Players Edge Indoor Golf League Rules & Guidelines
Welcome to the Players Edge Indoor Golf League! We're excited to have you as part of our 8-week season. Below are the rules and guidelines to ensure a fun and fair experience for all participants.
1. League Format
- Duration: 8 weeks, with the last two weeks dedicated to match-play playoffs.
- Seeding: Season scores will determine seeding for the playoffs.
- Rounds: Teams will play 12 holes each week.
- Time Limit: Paired teams will have 2 hours to complete each round. If both team exceeds the 2-hour time limit, a double bogey will be applied to any remaining holes, using the par score for each unplayed hole.
2. Score Reporting
- Score Reporting: Scores must be reported by sending a picture of the screen showing round totals or emailing the score to a Players Edge employee. Failure to report scores by end of the day will result in a 5-stroke penalty for that week's round.
- Deadline for Reporting Scores: All scores must be submitted no later than midnight of the day after your round.
3. Team Setup
- Team Size: Each team must have 2-3 players. A team is allowed to play with a minimum of 2 players, and a maximum of 3.
- Substitutes: A substitute can only be used if they are officially registered with the team. If a substitute plays, they must play the remaining holes for that player, and the original player will be unable to participate for the rest of the round.
4. Player Behavior
- No Guest Shots: No guest shots will be allowed. Team members competing in match play may not hit for another player unless it is a registered substitute. If guest player is not registered, team will be required to forfeit the round resulting in one stroke added to each hole for that round.
5. Playing Conditions
- Warm-ups: Teams can warm up, but the 2-hour time limit applies to completing the round, including warm-ups.
- Chipping/Putting: No putting will occur. The system determines the amount of putts necessary based on the distance from the hole. Players on the fringe must chip if that is the best shot option.
6. Simulator Malfunctions
- Malfunctions: If a simulator malfunctions, the team will be awarded 1 mulligan for that specific shot. This will only apply to the player affected by the malfunction.
- Ball Reading Issues: If the simulator fails to read the ball, the player must place the ball within range of the simulator and retake the shot.
7. Fees
- Missing Players: If fewer than 2 players show up for a scheduled round, $25 per person will still be charged. If only 1 player attends, they will be charged $50, as this is the equivalent of 2 players paying $25 each.
8. Prizes
- Weekly Prizes: There will be weekly giveaways (e.g., rental time, gift cards, etc.), based on team registration numbers. These prizes are at the discretion of Players Edge Performance.
- End-of-Season Cash Prizes: Cash prizes will be awarded to the winning team at the end of the season. The prize distribution will be based on the number of teams registered for the league.
9. Course Selection & Tees
- Course Selection: Courses will be announced 1 week in advance. Players can play the course at a discounted rate to practice for the upcoming week.
- Tees: All players will play from the white tees unless they are women or 65+. These players will be allowed to play from the red tees.
10. Safety Concerns
- Simulators: Players should exercise caution around the simulators and all equipment. Never stand in front of a player when they are hitting, and ensure that the area is clear of obstacles before taking your shot.
- Swinging Space: Make sure to leave enough space between players to avoid accidents while swinging. If any equipment is damaged, it will be the responsibility of the player who caused the damage.
- Equipment Care: Players should handle all clubs and equipment with care. Any equipment damage resulting from negligence will be the responsibility of the player involved.
11. Code of Conduct
- Respect: Players must treat fellow participants, staff, and equipment with respect. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.
- Conduct Violations: Players violating conduct standards may face penalties or be removed from the league at the discretion of Players Edge Performance.
- Conduct Violations: Any player who displays unsportsmanlike behavior (e.g., excessive arguing, distracting other players, or damaging equipment) will receive a warning. A second violation could result in the player being removed from the league with no refund. The team captain will be responsible for ensuring all members are aware of and adhere to league behavior standards.
- Dispute Resolution: In the event of disputes over scoring or a player’s actions, the team captain will be the first point of contact for resolving the issue with league officials. The decision of the league admin is final.
12. Mulligan Policy
- Admin Discretion: Mulligans will be allowed only under admin discretion, usually due to technical issues with the simulator. Players should be prepared to play each shot as it is struck.
13. Late Arrivals & No-Shows
- Late Arrivals: If a player is late, the team will be allowed to start playing without them but must "pick their ball up until they arrive. The player / team will still be charged the full $25 fee. Late players will not receive a chance to make up missed holes.
- No-Shows: If a player or team fails to show up without prior notice, they will be penalized with a $25 fee per missing player, and the team will not receive a rescheduled time unless there are special circumstances (at the discretion of Players Edge Performance).
14. Weather-related Adjustments
- Inclement Weather: Should a severe weather event (e.g., power outage or system crash, snow, etc) occur that interferes with the round, the league reserves the right to reschedule the match for another day. Players will be notified at least 24 hours in advance if rescheduling is necessary.
15. Team Communication
- Team Captains: Assign a team captain for each team to streamline communication. The captain will be responsible for submitting scores, handling communication with Players Edge Performance, and ensuring team members are informed of any league updates.
- Team Changes: Players must communicate any changes to their team roster or schedule changes through the team captain, who will then notify league officials.
16. Unsportsmanlike Conduct & Disputes
- Conduct Violations: Any player who displays unsportsmanlike behavior (e.g., excessive arguing, distracting other players, or damaging equipment) will receive a warning. A second violation could result in the player being removed from the league with no refund. The team captain will be responsible for ensuring all members are aware of and adhere to league behavior standards.
- Dispute Resolution: In the event of disputes over scoring or a player’s actions, the team captain will be the first point of contact for resolving the issue with league officials. The decision of the league admin is final.
17. Player Substitutions & Eligibility
- Substitutions: Players can only substitute out once per season. After the first substitution, no further changes will be allowed for that team without penalty.
- Eligibility: Players who are unable to participate in at least half of the season's rounds (4 weeks) will be deemed ineligible for match play during the playoffs.
18. Player Etiquette
- Pacing of Play: Players must maintain a reasonable pace of play, meaning they should not spend excessive time on any one hole. Please note that you have 2-hours to complete your round.
- Respect for Others: Players should always remain quiet while others are preparing to swing or take their shot. Distractions that interfere with another player's concentration will not be tolerated.
19. Performance Audits
- Score Verification: The league admin may audit player scores at any time during the season. If discrepancies are found between reported and actual performance (e.g., inaccurate reporting of scores), the player/team may face penalties, including disqualification.
20 . Playoffs Format
- Everyone Makes the Playoffs: All teams will qualify for the playoffs, with seeding determined by the scores from the regular season.
- 9-Hole Rounds: Teams will have 2 hours to complete a 9-hole round.
- Overtime: If a team has not completed their round before the 2-hour time limit expires, the team will be evaluated based on the score at the time the clock runs out.
- Advancement: The team with the highest score at that point in time will move onto the next playoff round after the hole they are on is completed.
- Ties: If there is a tie in scores when the time limit expires, the player/team with the higher seed (based on regular-season scores) will advance.
- Seeding: The seeding will be based on the total team score throughout the 8-week season. The team with the best score will be the #1 seed, the second-best will be the #2 seed, and so on.
- Playoff Structure: The playoff bracket will be determined by the number of teams enrolled in the regular season. The playoff format may include byes for higher-seeded teams, depending on the number of teams in the league.
- Bye Weeks: If the number of teams requires it, some teams may receive a bye during the first round of the playoffs. The number of byes will be calculated based on the total teams entered into the league and how the bracket is structured.
- Match Play: In the playoffs, teams will compete in match play for the final two weeks. Each team will face another based on their seeding. The team with the most points after the match will advance to the next round.
21. Tiebreakers (Playoff ROUND COMPLETED)
- Tiebreaker System: If teams are tied in the standings at the end of the season, the following tiebreakers will be applied:
- Head-to-head performance between the tied teams during the regular season.
- Total team points scored across the regular season.
- If the tie persists, a playoff hole will be used to break the tie (determined by Players Edge Performance).
22. Equipment Rules
- Approved Equipment: Players will be allowed to use their own equipment but must use PEP / Simulator balls to assure best possible shot readings (Callaway RPT).
- Simulator Interaction: Players must not interact with the simulator or its components outside of their designated round. Any tampering with the simulator (e.g., altering settings or equipment) will result in disqualification from the league.
23. Health & Safety Precautions
- Injury Protocol: If a player becomes injured during a round, they should immediately notify league officials. Players who are unable to continue play due to injury may request a substitution or leave without penalty. In cases of severe injury, the league may pause play or provide other accommodations as needed.
- Health Risks: Players should consult their physician before engaging in the league if they have any pre-existing health conditions that may be aggravated by physical activity or stress.
By participating in the Players Edge Indoor Golf League, all players agree to follow these rules. Failure to adhere to the rules may result in disqualification or other penalties, as determined by the league administration. Player's Edge Performance reserves the right to take away, add or adjust the rules at any point during the season.
We look forward to seeing you out on the course and wish you the best of luck during the season!